King Post Truss with Struts

The King Post Truss with Struts

As a truss with two thousand years of history, the King Post Truss proves that simplicity is never outdated. From spanning cathedrals, bridges, and houses in Medieval Europe to strengthen bi-planes for aerial acrobatics shows in the 1920’s, the King Post Truss epitomizes heavy timber construction as the art of combining the traditional material and designs with modern technologies.

The King Post with Struts Timber Truss handles long spans and supports heavy loading conditions. In combination with attic or collar tie trusses for improved load bearing, this truss holds up a loft area, a great room or gateway.

Why add struts to the King Post Timber Truss?

The king post with struts timber truss adds elegance and strength to a highly versatile design. Struts are included in this timber frame truss to resist longitudinal compression along the upper chords (see our timber frame engineering page for further explanation of the science behind the design). By eliminating the ability of the two top chords to bend, the king post with struts timber truss system supports the roof with consistent strength along the slope of the chords. With a system of these trusses underneath it, your roof will be prepared for high winds and heavy snow.  Finally, struts add a grand aesthetic appeal to the King Post that many clients employ to evoke a certain mood in the entryways, great rooms, and external views of their timber structure.